To enjoy an incessant growth, it is essential to embrace technology and enjoy the fruits. Real estate is getting techno savvy and technology has walked in even in the construction sector in the form of GFRG. Real estate is marching ahead with technology.


1. What is GFRG

2. Technological Advancement in Construction

3. Where can GFRG be used

4. Method of Making GFRG Panels

5. Construction with GFRG Panels

6. Benefits of Using GFRG Panels 

7. In a Nutshell

1. What is GFRG

This is a technological advancement used in the construction industry. GFRG stands for Glass Fiber Reinforced Gypsum Panel which is made up of calcined gypsum plaster, reinforced with glass fibers. This is also known as Rapid wall. These panels become strong, load bearing, shear walls when they are filled with reinforced concrete in an appropriate proportion. They can resist the lateral loads due to winds and earthquakes. These panels can be used for the construction of houses in a short span of time. GFRG panels are an approved construction material by the Building Materials and Technology Promotion Council of India. Houses constructed by GFRG Technology have a life of more than 100 years and they are five times stronger than a traditionally constructed house.

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2. Technological Advancement in Construction

This novel method in the construction field can trim down the cost of construction by almost 50%. GFRG  panels have high flexural strength, compressive strength, shearing strength and flexibility. It possesses a high level of resistance to termites, fire resistant up to 1000 degrees Celsius, water resistant, cools naturally up to 4 degrees, eco-friendly, economical, heat and corrosion resistant. They are also resistant to earthquakes and cyclones. In constructions where GFRG panels are being used, the foundation will be placed applying the advanced method. Then GFRG panels are set on the foundation with the help of cranes. The ribs on the top of the panel are gripped by a unique locking system. No plastering is required for the walls constructed with GFRG panels. 

3. Where can GFRG be used

GFRG is a technological advancement in the construction sector of real estate. These panels have a glazed surface and are white in colour. They have enormous potential as load-bearing and non-load bearing wall panels and are considered to be energy efficient green building material. GFRG panels can very well be used in the construction of both external and internal walls. As a composite material, these panels can be used as an intermediary floor slab or roof slab together with Reinforced Cement Concrete (RCC). Apart from being used in walls, these panels can also be used for floors, sunshades, roofs and boundary.

4. Method of Making GFRG Panels

Slurry of calcined gypsum plaster is mixed with water, white cement and certain chemicals like D50 (retarder) and BS 94 (water repellent) in a mixer. Different layers of slurries are spread over a table and glass fibers are sprinkled over it. A screen roller is used to imbed uniformly the glass rovings.  Aluminum plugs are used to create hollow cavities in the panels. These aluminum plugs are removed after half an hour and these panels are then dried at a temperature of 275 degrees Celsius before they are shifted to the storage area or the cutting table. Panels will be then cut as per the dimensions of the building planned.

5. Construction with GFRG Panels 

The following steps will be taken while using GFRG panels in a construction.

5.1. Excavation and Foundation

Excavation of soil will take place in the same manner as it is done for regular construction. After placing the foundation, the waterproofing of the foundation is done by spraying some suitable chemicals.

5.2. Placement of the Panels

The casting of reinforced concrete is used for the plinth beams. The starter bars are then set inside the concrete casting so as to install the GFRG panels. These panels will be put on the starter bars according to the dimensions and areas allotted to them. After these are set, the joints are protected by giving waterproofing.

5.3. Use of Concrete

Once the GFRG panels are fixed, the support bars are provided to support them. These support bars hold them in place until the concrete mixture is poured into each of the holes of panels from the top. 

5.4. Slab Procedure

After completing the walls, it is time for the slab. The panels are placed on the top of the walls as a slab. A reinforcement cage is fitted for the set beams and concrete mix is poured on the slab.

6. Benefits of Using GFRG Panels 

6.1. Water, Fire and Earthquake Resistant

Certain chemicals that are added during the preparation of panels make them impermeable to the attack of water. GFRG panels release 15-20% moisture of its own weight in case of fire, thus reducing the surface temperature and resisting damage. They are also found to be resistant to the impacts of earthquakes.

6.2. Thermal Comfort and a Coolant 

GFRG panels act in two different ways in summer and in winter. These panels provide thermal comfort in the winter season whereas they keep the building cooler by 4 degrees in the summer season.

6.3. Strong and Durable

Gypsum is well known for its strength. A GFRG panel is five times stronger and more durable than the conventional construction materials.

6.4. Greater Carpet Area

The walls made with GFRG panels are 5 inches thick whereas the conventional walls are 9 inches thick. Therefore houses built with GFRG panels have a greater carpet area.

6.5. Lesser Time Consumption

A normal conventional building with G+1 takes almost 6-8 months to get constructed but it will take only a month with GFRG panels.

6.6. Cost-Effective

The main component that is used to make GFRG panels is a leftover of many fertilizer industries. This is in the form of a powder and is available at a very cheap rate in the market. It does not require a long dying time and is easy to assemble. It is a cheaper alternative as compared to concrete and bricks. It also reduces the construction duration and labour cost. Hence GFRG panels reduce the cost of construction. The installation process of GFRG panels is simple and cost effective as it requires minimal structural support. Deployment of GFRG panels is simpler as these are pre-made structures and just need to be installed. Shipping cost will be minimized as they are light in weight and any design can be made at a lower cost as compared to the traditional method. The consumption of cement is almost reduced by 50%, steel by 35% and sand by 76% in construction with GFRG panels. Hence these are economical. 

7. In a Nutshell

GFRG panels when filled with reinforced concrete in an appropriate proportion become very strong and can function as a load bearing and shear wall. These panels can resist loads due to earthquakes and wind. These are not only used in walls, these panels can also be used in roofs, sunshades, floors and boundary walls. GFRG panel technology is advantageous and is being accepted in the construction sector of real estate in India. Original panels are white in colour with a smooth finished surface but can be white-washed or painted without cement plastering the walls, thus developing some scope of creativity. A GFRG building panel is 12 x 3 x 0.127 m in dimension and weighs around 1.6 tons. It has four cavities within 1 meter of the panel. GFRG panel construction is much better than conventional construction.

Written by
Kishore Reddy

When it comes to the Realty Sector, the name of Mr. Kishore Reddy, an eminent builder, echoes everywhere and outshines many others. As a partner of EIPL INFRA, he has taken up the construction in Real Estate to an elite echelon. He believes in transparency, value creation, and decent profitability, and his sharing his thoughts, advice, and information on his immense knowledge in real estate through blogging.

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